Us/We, Humanity
by Milandi
August 5, 2024 USA
Love requires the following:
Love requires that we seek for and attain deepening levels of understanding.
Seek for deeper levels of understanding yourself and seek for deeper levels of understanding me,
respectfully and consensually so as not to make a murderess of me, us/we, humanity.
Love requires faith in the goodness of well being.
Have faith that your well being is good and that my well being is good.
Love requires consideration for Us/We, humanity.
Be considerate of yourself and be considerate of me.
Love requires depths of respect warranting honesty.
Be honest with yourself and be honest with me.
Ask yourself this:
How do I love me
right now
by loving you
and how do I love you
right now
by loving me?
Herein lives
the meaning of ecology.
No systematized presumption is above an entity’s authority of self, personal choice for health and safety within ranges which are
contained within the parameters of personal, inter and intrapersonally safe conduction of forces.
Misinterpretation of humanity’s refusal to adjust to unjust systems
as mental pathology or neurologic malady
is the misjudged projection of an hierarchical worldview in which a person’s agency
derives from our placement along a spectrum of value.
Let no system degrade respect
to infringe on the borders of personal autonomy
through lettering the so-called learned
with legal means to assault.
The madness is
imagining people as material asset devices for the generation of currency,
when money is merely a manifestation of our minds which we perpetuate through systems,
but people are real.
Money is conceptual
yet human beings comprise reality,
and humans
compose it.
The US of A and Israel are constructs whose foundations are cursed by negations of what is,
in truth, real. Integrate that.
On my homeland’s currency is minted the righteous creed,
“e pluribus unum.” “In plurality we unite”
a massive redirect into whose insight
humanity crucially requires.
Stand down.
Stop committing violence against our minds by dividing consciousness
between that which we know that we know,
and that which you know and pretend that we don’t.
Just because a way is normalized does not make it worthy.
Liberty’s spirit–do you remember the original statue–my mother, Lora
practiced the art of demonstrating her refusal to accept a system of inequity,
callousness, and anti-Black Indigeneity as a concrete reality.
She acknowledged, instead,
the truth of awakening daily within a settler colonialist lucid nightmare.
In my homeland, the state sanctions medical incarceration
through infliction of neurotoxic substance addiction
to cognitively suppress lady Lora Liberty’s insight.
This so-called “first world” Western European settler colonialist construct,
birthed from the deepest traumas to my ancestry,
was founded and infrastructured on disambiguations of the word “cruelty.”
Everyone on this planet has been hurt and is hurting.
Every grown folk has been assigned to mistrust,
to fear,
to shield
to resort to abuses for the sake of those whom we mistakenly consider ours,
not theirs.
Not one of us is a possession.
Yet, we all belong.
Recognize the results of trauma when you see them and provide empathy.
But for the grace of love go we, humanity.
The state of Illinois abducted Lora, my mother,
spirit of liberty, legally
by means of the Chicago PD,
and utilized a psychiatric medical team
to strategically transform her self protective rebellion into ennui,
cracking a whip of “medication” to break Lady Lora Liberty’s will to be
while garnering for the “mental health” industry
a life-long neurologically addicted consumer of their so-called
For contrivers of globally enforced currencies
who assign value based on thefts of people,
and endangering resource extraction
by means of psychological, economic and bodily duress;
it may be profitable to take my head or your head next
in a line of chemical warfare,
in which unchecked criminals
profiteer from the mistreatment of segments of humanity
deemed unworthy
via medical mental health industries
built by and subject to the needs of capitalist settler colonialist greed.
Those among us with the most magnanimous integrity
are so beat down by credit bureaucracies and schemes of usury
which theft our means for living;
that we are sometimes found lying down on public grounds or hovering unkempt while meditating,
teetering our spirits along the thresholds delineating distinctions between ego identities,
in order to quietly communicate
unencumbered by orientations based on acquisition of material things.
We are.
You are.
I am.
Delete objectification from conjugations of the verb “to be”
and you will have the meaning of life.
Repeat after me:
The meaning of life
I am.
You are.
He/She/We are.
The meaning of life
I am.
You are.
He/She/We are.
Now integrate that.
Repeat after me:
We are.
They are.
We are.
They are.
Now, remove the punctuation and capitalizations.
Repeat after me
we are
they are
we are
they are
we are
they are
we are
they are
Integrate that.
Now remove the line breaks.
We are they are we are they are we are they are we are they are we. Integrate that.
Though the boundaries of our egos provide each and every individual with our personal agency,
we are co-creating reality
together, collectively.
Us/We, humanity.
Let no banking system whose power derives from homicide
multiplied by orders of magnitude
times terror yielding genocide,
debt entrapment
plus enslavement
plus industrial terracide
account for the value of any one of us
nor any aspect of life.
An hierarchical societal caste system
which distributes people’s value
along any spectrum of worthiness
is an attack on your complexity
and on mine.
It is right to respect one another
regardless of accolades
which may or may not merit esteem.
Whatever side of hierarchically caste aspersions
into which we have been assigned
demographically by birth,
an hierarchical societal system which defines worth
along a scale
on which anyone is higher or lower than any other of us
is a measure of assessment created by small minds,
which is not worth our time.
Arise from monstrosities cast upon our families' living histories,
from a global pattern of traumatic sins against ourselves and kin,
to rebuild the world in a manner which is worthy of Us/We, they/she/he, you and me.
Disallow abusive systems from marring our minds into acting as though it is right to be unkind,
which chronically disregards considerations
that we do not know what those around us have survived.
Though it is better to kill in self defense than to allow oneself to be continuously
and injuriously maligned,
war is the theater of twisted spirits conducted by empty minds.
I wish there were an all-powerful altruistic God/dess diva to clear colonization sickness
from all of our cognition with a third eye kiss,
to wipe out disordered thinking brought on by terroristic economic systems
which standardize
through stupefaction of our minds via marketing psychologies
which decomplexify our multiple trajectories of unhindered thinking
with this-vs.-that dichotomies,
and multiple choice a-b-c-d reductions devoiding our lives of fully attended meaning–
as an industry.
That way of things has been preventing us from actualizing the global family’s destiny.
No matter which way the sun shines,
settler colonialism is ugly,
and selling murder is wrong.
Us/We, humanity’s resources have been usurped through deceits
of indebtedness to a Western European for existing.
Through theft by instatement of banana republics, chattel enslavement and indebted
settler colonialism begs that we evolve away from it.
We the survivors of colonization,
We the survivors of enslavement,
We the survivors of genocide,
We the survivors rape, of looting and raids, are aggrieved and righteously enraged.
That way of things has wronged us.
That way of things has been wronging us.
That way of things is wrong.
What do we do?
War is not the way.
Our way
is neither suicide nor matricide nor patricide nor sororicide nor fratricide
nor fillicide nor parricide of any kind,
and every one on this planet is family.
Proper death is when elders let go in their sleep and quietly take flight from their slumber one night and proper death is every person’s birth right.
Arise collective and halt assaults from racist misogynist anthropologic misclassifications
causing chronically hazardous socializations for unsafe misallocation
of our most sacred resource,
the people.
There is no such thing among humanity as any other correct basis for classification
Amiri said–as in Baraka, as in the
Black AArts Movement in the USA–”there’s something in the way of things,”
and he sang it from his soul night after night until he died.
We manifestors of the world have been miscast
as live actors in a colonized theater of deceptive unchangeability,
spending our finite life’s breath maintaining treacheries against our own needs.
The futility!
We, humanity, must proceed with manifesting societies which are fit for all humanity’s progeny exceptionlessly.
We rise to value that which is worth valuing, Us/
We, humanity un-objectified, arise in expression of the meaning of life.
I am. You are. He/She/We are. They are we are they are we are they are we.
Arise, humanity, and relegate cruelty to the annals of history.
Arise in the integration of all that we know that we know,
to walk the ways of wisdom.
Arise to steward ourselves forward into building ecologically sustainable customs for living.
Arise to seek for deeper levels of understanding respectfully and consensually,
with faith in the goodness of our well being, in consideration, honestly.
Arise to catalyze the mission of reshaping our world in manners worthy of ourselves and our progenies.
We, humanity who have survived atrocities
which no somatic communication can non-injuriously relay;
no verbal language can comprehensively say,
take medicine of rest,
and arise.
Release internalized oppressions.
Release rage.
Release grief.
To the occasion of co-creating civilizations befitting of our lives
this burgeoning millennium 3,
For the Love of Us/
We, humanity, must arise.